IMRU2 - Uplifting Others Through Positive Energy, Plant Based Nutrition, Laughter, Art & Love

Sacred Space

Victoria is of Mexica lineage and has acquired many healing tools from her ancestors. One being a huesera, another working to create hemp tinctures to alleviate pain and another using food as medicine.


This being said, life itself is the greatest teacher and Victoria has made many mistakes. These mistakes have allowed her much growth which now allows her to talk with others free of judgement which is a beautiful blessing in itself.


Currently she is completing a 4 year apprenticeship with a Mayan priestess and in this she has had the opportunity to reconnect with her healer lineage while also learning new  techniques.


Some of these include the following:


  • Prayer Request - Free
  • Angel Reading - $50
  • Platica  - $75
  • Dream Analysis - $125
  • Remote Healing (Human or Pet) - $125


Victoria offers free 15 min consultations and will make suggestions as to what she believes will benefit you best per your conversation.


Request a Free Consultation


If you are curious as to what to expect in working with Victoria please feel free to join the IMRU2 Community to get an idea.


*These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual weight loss results will vary