IMRU2 - Uplifting Others Through Positive Energy, Plant Based Nutrition, Laughter, Art & Love

Plant Nutrition


PLANT NUTRITION is something that Victoria was raised into. Being the descendant of Mexican healers on both maternal and paternal lineage she was raised to utilize nutrition to maintain health.


The knowledge of how to eat to address specific ailments was primarily passed down from her mother who treats colds with tea and migraines with almonds. These are the generational traditions of her lineage.


In 2017, Victoria was introduced to a young hemp company, Prime My Body, and became both an affiliate and International Founding Member.


In 2015, Victoria had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia after a traumatic 75 hour delivery with her son and the trauma created severe chronic pain in her body.


She was prescribed two muscle relaxers to alleviate pain but she did not redeem. Instead, she searched for alternatives without contraindications and eventually found hemp extracts for pain relief.


She has now been using the same hemp extracts for 4 + years to control her chronic pain without negative side effects and continues to see additional benefits from taking the extracts such as stronger hair and nails in conjunction with pain relief.


Today, her stay at home, NWM business has grown globally as the company grows internationally and she enjoys the opportunity to help others find improved health and wellness through  plant nutrition.


All of these products are of the highest quality and the medical board continues to produce revolutionary plant nutrition so while most products do contain hemp we have 4 items that are entirely hemp free and ideal for healthy living.


These items are always plant based, organic, cruelty free and of the highest quality. There is a full medical board utilizing Eastern and Western medicine to bring revolutionary formulations to the masses and we not only have 3rd party testing but also brain scan studies.


These products have been endorsed by the NFL and reviewed by Forbes magazine.


If you would like to speak with Victoria as to what is right for you feel free to schedule a consultation below.


Please note that autoship orders can be arranged to reduce cost of product.


If you would like to become a part of this company and join Victoria's team,

please click here to learn more and "Enroll Now."



Pain Relief - (Focus, Calm, Shield, CORE, Salve, PhytoAdrenal)


Chronic pain will reduce the quality of life for anyone. For this reason, we have a number of hemp tinctures which can be utilized alone or combined throughout the day to work together.


Victoria began using Focus and then eventually began using Focus during the day and Calm at night. Now she continues to do this but also uses Shield when networking or in crowded places to build immunity while also having pain relief.


Core combines Nitric Oxide (AKA The Miracle Molecule) & Hemp to oxygenate the body. This can benefit the body in many ways while also eating away plaque clogged in the arteries. This brings about a healthy rose tint to the skin because of proper blood flow! In addition, the product also helps to recover muscles more quickly after heavy work out so its ideal for bodybuilding too. This is literally the "miracle molecule" found in an organic tasty lemonade drink!


PhytoAdrenal helps our adrenals to recover after a traumatic incident. Often, individuals who suffer chronic pain have had a traumatic experience and those experiences can cause our adrenals to burn out leaving us not only in pain but also fatigued. If we can address the pain and recover our adrenals simultaneously we are allowing ourselves a much better opportunity to recover.


Our salve smells light but rich which has an instant calming effect  on the body just by smelling it. This being said, it is highly potent and is fabulous to take to your massage therapist while getting a massage or apply after a nice epsom salt bath.



Beauty - (NOX, Hydrate Pure, CORE, Build, Vital, PhytoAdrenal, Salve)


Beauty within is truly key. In utilizing our NOX product on your face to help reduce acne or fine lines and wrinkles you will find that your body as a whole is seeing the benefit. Nox is a serum combining Nitric Oxide and Hemp to bring oxygen to the face to aid in revitalization both on the surface of the skin but also internally. When the hydrate pure is used on top of the Nox at night it seals in hydration while also combating other skin issues.


Our Core product is a tasty lemonade that also introduces nitric oxide to the body. This product not only makes the skin radiant but also clears the arteries of plaque buildup.


Build has been called the fountain of youth because it essentially helps increase bone density. As humans age we lose bone density because our bones become more porous. This term is called the Piezoelectric Effect and it naturally happens to everyone as we age. In taking build, we help minimize this process.


Vital has over 72 vitamins and 12 amino acids and it is common knowledge that upon consumption of vitamins and amino acids our skin, hair and nails become stronger and more radiant. Sometimes as we go into overdrive trying to help and do for others we can find ourselves starved for nutrition and totally burnt out.


PhytoAdrenal helps with that feeling of burnout and overwhelm and when we take both the Vital & Build we can begin to feel more in our body, present and able to deal with daily stressors more easily.


Our Body Therapy salve smells light but rich which has an instant calming effect  on the body just by smelling it. This being said, it is highly potent and is fabulous to take to your massage therapist while getting a massage or apply after a nice epsom salt bath. It feels so creamy and luxurious that you feel as if you have just pampered your body.



Gut Health - (Shield, One80, CORE)


If you are really looking to heal your body you may want to consider doing a detox. We have a fabulous product but more important is that in purchasing this product you are also included into a community to help get through the 28 day detox process. When we go through this regimen some people aim to lose weight, some simply wish to detox and others focus on detoxing prior to bodybuilding in a natural and healthy way.


The One80 is not necessary to find gut health but it is a great way to give our organs a break. Victoria goes through this process both two times a year. Once in January and again in May so if you ever want to join her in going through the process as a team, please send Victoria a message.


Ultra H20 helps to structure our water to maximize hydration and after doing our One80 system it becomes evident how important healthy water is to the body because the human body is predominantly water!


If you are not so interested in a detox but are looking for gut health, Shield is the way to go. This product has 18 naturally protective botanicals to help maintain daily immune health and helps with gut health specifically and it's absolutely delicious!


Our Core product is a tasty lemonade that also introduces nitric oxide to the body. This product not only makes the skin radiant but also oxygenates the body and clears the arteries of plaque buildup helping the body function more efficiently overall.



Weight Loss - (One80, Maintenance Pack, CORE, Protein Powder)


The One80 is a great way to give our organs a break and allows our bodies to reset in a positive way. Victoria goes through this process both two times a year. Once in January and again in May so if you ever want to join her in going through the process as a team please do send a comment under the "Contacts" tab above.


Our Maintenance Products consist of 4 different tinctures. Our PhytoAdrenal, Vital, Build & Ultra H20. These 4 products were specifically designed after the One80 was launched. This was because the affiliate community found such great results from the One80 that they wanted to maintain maximum health after undergoing the One80 program. These are ordered separately but they are designed to work in complement of one another and the One80 system.


PhytoAdrenal helps alleviate trauma to the adrenals. If you have ever been in a car wreck or have had a horrible scare you have likely burnt through some adrenals and can benefit from using this product. This is even good to combat everyday stressors to ultimately take the stress off your own body.


Vital is a blend of 72 vitamins and 12 amino acids and it's fantastic to utilize as a vegan to maximize diet and being sure to get all the appropriate amino acids to help compliment the lifestyle and absorption of nutrients consumed daily.


Build has been called the fountain of youth because it essentially helps increase and maintain bone density. Humans age and lose bone density because our bones become more porous. This term is called the Piezoelectric Effect and it naturally happens to everyone with age. In taking build, we help minimize this process and maintain healthy bone density positively affecting the look of our face and body.


Ultra H20 helps to structure our water to maximize hydration and after doing our One80 system it becomes evident how important healthy water is to the body because the human body is predominantly water!


Core is a tasty lemonade that also introduces nitric oxide to the body and really compliments the Ultra H20 for a maximum benefit drink for the body! This product not only makes the skin radiant but also clears the arteries of plaque buildup.


Prime Protein Super Food is a tasty chocolate hemp protein powder that is really useful during the One80 program and in everyday life. It's especially good with a scoop of peanut butter and banana but there are a number of recipes also found within the One80 community.



Heart Health - (CORE, Ultra H20, NOX, Calm)


Core is a tasty lemonade that also introduces nitric oxide to the body and really compliments the Ultra H20 for a maximum benefit drink for the body! This product not only makes the skin radiant but also clears the arteries of plaque buildup.


Ultra H20 helps to structure our water to maximize hydration and after doing our One80 system it becomes evident how important healthy water is to the body because the human body is predominantly water!


Our NOX product is great for your face to help reduce acne, fine lines & wrinkles but it is really good for the body as a whole. When you use this product you will find that your body as a whole is seeing the benefit. Nox is a serum combining Nitric Oxide and Hemp to bring oxygen to the skin surface to aid in revitalization but it's also great for the body internally. NOX can also be used on varicose veins to reduce the appearance of bulging veins. This product works fantastic in conjunction with our Core product.


Calm is a THC free hemp extract designed to calm the body and reduce cortisol. It is ideally used at night or during high stress situations to reduce the fight or flight responses.



Bodybuilding - (One80, Maintenance Pack, CORE, Protein Powder)


The One80 is a great way to give our organs a break and allows our bodies to reset in a positive way. Victoria goes through this process both two times a year. Once in January and again in May so if you ever want to join her in going through the process as a team please send Victoria a message.


Our Maintenance Products consist of 4 different tinctures. Our PhytoAdrenal, Vital, Build & Ultra H20. These 4 products were specifically designed after the One80 was launched. This was because the affiliate community found such great results from the One80 that they wanted to maintain maximum health after undergoing the One80 program. These are ordered separately but they are designed to work in complement of one another and the One80 system.


PhytoAdrenal helps alleviate trauma to the adrenals. If you have ever been in a car wreck or have had a horrible scare you have likely burnt through some adrenals and can benefit from using this product. This is even good to combat everyday stressors to ultimately take the stress off your own body.


Vital is a blend of 72 vitamins and 12 amino acids and it's fantastic to utilize as a vegan to maximize diet and being sure to get all the appropriate amino acids to help compliment the lifestyle and absorption of nutrients consumed daily.


Build has been called the fountain of youth because it essentially helps increase and maintain bone density. Humans age and lose bone density because our bones become more porous. This term is called the Piezoelectric Effect and it naturally happens to everyone with age. In taking build, we help minimize this process and maintain healthy bone density positively affecting the look of our face and body.


Ultra H20 helps to structure our water to maximize hydration and after doing our One80 system it becomes evident how important healthy water is to the body because the human body is predominantly water!


Core is a tasty lemonade that also introduces nitric oxide to the body and really compliments the Ultra H20 for a maximum benefit drink for the body! This product not only makes the skin radiant but also clears the arteries of plaque buildup.


Prime Protein Super Food is a tasty chocolate hemp protein powder that is really useful during the One80 program and in everyday life. It's especially good with a scoop of peanut butter and banana but there are a number of recipes also found within the One80 community.



Vegan Living - (Vital, Build, Structure, Ultra H20, Protein Powder, Shield)


Our Maintenance Products consist of 4 different tinctures. Our PhytoAdrenal, Vital, Build & Ultra H20. These 4 products were specifically designed after the One80 body reset system was launched. This was because the affiliate community found such great results from the One80 that they wanted to maintain maximum health after undergoing the detox program. These items are ordered separately but they are designed to work in complement of one another.


PhytoAdrenal helps alleviate trauma to the adrenals. If you have ever been in a car wreck or have had a horrible scare you have likely burnt through some adrenals and can benefit from using this product. This is even good to combat everyday stressors to ultimately take the stress off your own body.


Vital is a blend of 72 vitamins and 12 amino acids and it's fantastic to utilize as a vegan to maximize diet and being sure to get all the appropriate amino acids to help compliment the lifestyle and absorption of nutrients consumed daily.


Build has been called the fountain of youth because it essentially helps increase and maintain bone density. Humans age and lose bone density because our bones become more porous. This term is called the Piezoelectric Effect and it naturally happens to everyone with age. In taking build, we help minimize this process and maintain healthy bone density positively affecting the look of our face and body.


Ultra H20 helps to structure our water to maximize hydration and after doing our One80 system it becomes evident how important healthy water is to the body because the human body is predominantly water!


Core is a tasty lemonade that also introduces nitric oxide to the body and really compliments the Ultra H20 for a maximum benefit drink for the body! This product not only makes the skin radiant but also clears the arteries of plaque buildup. (currently Sold Out - Contact Victoria to learn more about Core)


Prime Protein Super Food is a tasty chocolate hemp protein powder that is really useful during the One80 program and in everyday life.



Animal Nutrition - (PAWS)

Currently Sold Out - Contact Victoria to learn more about our pet products.


*These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual weight loss results will vary