IMRU2 - Uplifting Others Through Positive Energy, Plant Based Nutrition, Laughter, Art & Love


HEALY is designed to harmonize ones bioenergetic field.


It is a small device controlled by a phone to deliver  Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) to the physical and auric body.


This small microcurrent technology can evaluate an individual utilizing a photo and offer a suggestion as to the needed frequency scan to create a higher levels of homeostasis.



How Victoria Found Healy


In 2021 Victoria was introduced to HEALY by a quarter century friend. Together they decided to do a 30 day Healy challenge utilizing the suggestion of Healy everyday for 30 days. The friends did this together with their partners to better understand the technology and experience its healing power in long term relationships.


Upon completing the 30 day challenge both couples felt a significant shift in their relationships leading to many deep conversations centered around honesty and courage to speak their truth with mutual dignity and respect.


With this experience, Victoria knew she wanted to utilize this device to help others and began aligning her intentions to maximize the technology.


HEALY practitioners can utilize this technology but it is common knowledge that everything refers back to the advocate & their intentions so its important to trust your practitioner.


The technology has over 100 frequency scans available, ranging from emotional, physical, hormonal and financial well-being so the potential of this technology is abundant and endless.


In addition, this technology can be used on animals and even inanimate objects such as a cars or real estate.



If you're interested in purchasing more than session,

please refer to the "Packages" page to purchase at a discount.


Add your Healy scan(s) to cart now and Victoria will contact you for scheduling.


*These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual weight loss results will vary